当前位置:乐沙网 > 汉英词典 > 烧结作用的英语翻译,近义词、反义词、例句




【化】 agglomeration; agglutination; nodulizing



bake; burn; burning; carbonado; cook; cremation; fever; grill; heat; roast
set sth. on fire
【化】 burning


congeal; form; knot; settle; vinculum; weave
【医】 knob; knot; node; nodule; noduli; nodulus; nodus; noeud


affect; effect; intention; action; motive; operation
【医】 action; effect; process; role
【经】 role


烧结作用 (Shāo Jié Zuò Yòng)


英语解释翻译 (Yīng Yǔ Jiě Shì Fān Yì)

The English translation for "烧结作用" is sintering effect or sintering process.

英文读音 (Yīng Wén Dú Yīn)

The English pronunciation for "烧结作用" is "sēn-tər-ing ih-fekt" or "sēn-tər-ing pro-ses".

英文的用法 (Zhōng Wén Jiě Shì)

In English, the term "sintering effect" or "sintering process" is used to describe the chemical phenomenon where powder-like substances are heated at high temperatures, causing the particles to bond together and form a solid material.

英文例句 (Bāo Hán Zhōng Wén Jiě Shì)

1. The sintering effect is crucial in the production of ceramic materials. (烧结作用对于陶瓷材料的生产至关重要。)
2. The sintering process is commonly used in metallurgy to create strong metal parts. (烧结过程在冶金中常用于制造坚固的金属零件。)

英文近义词 (Bāo Hán Zhōng Wén Jiě Shì)

In English, some synonymous terms for "sintering effect" or "sintering process" include:

1. Agglomeration: the process of particles sticking together to form larger clusters or aggregates. (聚团:颗粒相互附着形成较大的团簇或聚集体的过程。)
2. Consolidation: the process of compacting separate particles into a cohesive mass. (致密:将分散的颗粒压实成一体的过程。)

英文反义词 (Bāo Hán Zhōng Wén Jiě Shì)

In English, the antonym for "sintering effect" or "sintering process" would be:

Debonding: the process of separating bonded particles, resulting in the disintegration of a solid material into smaller fragments. (分离:将粘结的颗粒分开,导致固体物质解体成较小的碎片。)

英文单词常用度 (Yīng Wén Dān Cí Cháng Yòng Dù)

According to frequency of usage, "sintering effect" and "sintering process" are considered moderately common terms in English.

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