【计】 business-oriented software
business; businessman; consult; dealer; discuss; quotient; trade【计】 Q; QR; quotient
apply; expenses; use【医】 c.; cum; Utend.
software【计】 sortware; SW
【经】 software
商用软件 (shāng yòng ruǎnjiàn) 是指专门为商业目的而开发或使用的计算机软件。商用软件通常由软件开发公司或开发团队开发,并且需要购买使用许可证。
Commercial Software
Commercial software refers to computer software that is developed or used specifically for commercial purposes. Commercial software is typically developed by software companies or development teams, and requires the purchase of a license for use.
Pronunciation in English
[kəˈmɜrʃəl ˈsɒftwɛr]
Usage in English
The term "commercial software" is commonly used in the English language to refer to software that is developed or used for business purposes. It distinguishes such software from other types, such as open source or freeware.
Example Sentences in English
1. Our company uses commercial software to manage our inventory and sales data. (我们公司使用商用软件来管理库存和销售数据。)
2. The commercial software market is highly competitive. (商用软件市场竞争激烈。)
Synonyms in English
1. Proprietary software (专有软件): Refers to software that is privately owned and protected by copyright, requiring a license for use.
2. Closed-source software (封闭源代码软件): Refers to software for which the source code is not available for public viewing or modification.
Antonyms in English
1. Open source software (开源软件): Refers to software that is freely available for use, modification, and distribution.
2. Freeware (免费软件): Refers to software that is available at no cost, but may have limitations on its usage or redistribution.
Word Frequency in English
The term "commercial software" is commonly used in the English language, especially in the context of business and technology. As such, its word frequency is considered high.