abbreviate; abridge; cut down; prune
【经】 omission
the root of a plant; this
【机】 aetioporphyrin
删节本 (Shān jié běn)
英语解释翻译 (Yīngyǔ jiěshì fānyì)
The term "删节本" can be translated to English as "abridged version" or "cut-down edition". It refers to a condensed and modified version of the original text, commonly used in literature, film scripts, and other fields, in order to emphasize key elements and streamline the content.
英文读音 (Yīngwén dúyīn)
The pronunciation of "abridged version" in English is [uh-bridjd vur-zhuhn].
英文的用法 (Zhōngwén jiěshì)
In English, "abridged version" is used to describe a shortened or condensed edition of a literary work or other forms of media that presents the main ideas and plot points in a more concise manner.
英文例句 (Bāokuò zhōngwén jiěshì)
1. I prefer reading the abridged version of classic novels as they are easier to follow. (我更喜欢阅读经典小说的删节版,因为它们更容易理解。)
2. The movie adaptation was based on the abridged version of the original novel. (电影改编基于原著小说的删节本。)
英文近义词 (Bāokuò zhōngwén jiěshì)
Synonyms for "abridged version" in English include "condensed edition" and "abbreviated version". (在英语中,“abridged version”的近义词包括“condensed edition”和“abbreviated version”。)
英文反义词 (Bāokuò zhōngwén jiěshì)
The antonym for "abridged version" in English is "unabridged version", which refers to the complete and unaltered original text. (在英语中,“abridged version”的反义词是“unabridged version”,指的是完整未经修改的原始文本。)
英文单词常用度 (Zhōngwén jiěshì)
The term "abridged version" is commonly used in English, especially within the literary and media industries. (“abridged version”这个词在英语中非常常用,尤其在文学和传媒行业中。)