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【经】 commercial standing



business; commerce; trade
【经】 business; commerce


place; position; standing; station; status; term
【经】 stance; status


商业地位 - Shāngyè dìwèi


英语翻译 - Business Status

Business status refers to the position or identity of a company, organization, or individual in the business field. It can reflect the competitiveness and influence of an entity in a specific market.

英文读音 - Bɪznɪs ˈstætəs

Bɪznɪs ˈstætəs

英文用法 - Definition in English

The term "business status" is used to describe the position or standing of a company, organization, or individual within the business field. It reflects their competitiveness and influence within a specific market.

英文例句 - Example Sentences

1. His successful investments have elevated his business status in the industry. (他成功的投资提升了他在行业中的商业地位。)

2. She worked hard to improve her business status and eventually became the CEO of a multinational corporation. (她努力提升自己的商业地位,最终成为了一家跨国公司的CEO。)

英文近义词 - Synonyms in English

1. Business standing - 企业地位

2. Commercial status - 商业地位

3. Trade position - 贸易地位

英文反义词 - Antonyms in English

1. Business insignificance - 商业微不足道

2. Low business status - 低商业地位

3. Lack of influence - 缺乏影响力

英文单词常用度 - Frequency of Usage in English

The term "business status" is commonly used in business-related discussions and writings, particularly in formal contexts such as reports, presentations, and professional publications.

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