【医】 epignathus
【医】 upper jaw; urano-寄生胎的英语翻译:
【医】 parasite; parasitic fetus; teratoid parasite畸胎的英语翻译:
【医】 abnormal embryo; monster; monstra; monstrum; teras; terata; terato-网络扩展解释
shàng xié jì shēng tái jī tāi
Parasitic twin in the maxilla
[shàng][xié] [jì][shēng] [tái][jī] [tāi]
English Pronunciation: /ˈpærəsaɪtɪk twin ɪn ðə mæk'sɪlə/
English Usage: A parasitic twin is an incomplete twin that develops attached to the body of its fully formed sibling, often appearing as an abnormal growth or appendage.
Example Sentence in English: The doctors successfully removed the parasitic twin in the maxilla of the patient.
Example Sentence in Chinese: 医生成功地切除了患者上颌的寄生胎畸胎。
English Synonyms: Parasitic fetus, parasitic sibling, parasitic foetus
Chinese Translation: 寄生胎、寄生的同胞、寄生胎
English Antonyms: Conjoined twins
Chinese Translation: 连体双胞胎
Word Frequency in English: The term "parasitic twin in the maxilla" is considered as a relatively uncommon medical condition and may not be frequently used in everyday conversation.