【医】 typhoid condition; typhosis
【医】 abdominal typhus; cesspool fever; dothienenteria; enteric fever
enterotropism; febris nervosa; ileotyphus; jejunotyphoid; lent fever
low fever; nervous fever; night-soil fever; orthotyphoid
pythogenic fever; typhia; typhoid; typhoid fever
state; condition; fettle; position; predicament; status
【计】 behaviour; S; ST; state; status; transient regime
【医】 asiminine asis; condition; etat; sirupus ferri jodati; state; status
【经】 state
Shānghán zhuàngtài
English translation: Typhoid state
English pronunciation: /ˈtaɪfɔɪd steɪt/
English usage: The term "typhoid state" refers to the severe and advanced stage of the infectious disease typhoid fever, characterized by high fever, delirium, and intestinal symptoms.
English example sentence: "The patient was in a typhoid state, experiencing extreme fatigue and hallucinations."
English synonyms: advanced stage of typhoid fever
English antonyms: early stage of typhoid fever
Common usage in English: The term "typhoid state" is commonly used in medical literature and discussions to describe the severe symptoms and complications that can occur in typhoid fever.