【医】 cholera typhoid
【医】 abdominal typhus; cesspool fever; dothienenteria; enteric fever
enterotropism; febris nervosa; ileotyphus; jejunotyphoid; lent fever
low fever; nervous fever; night-soil fever; orthotyphoid
pythogenic fever; typhia; typhoid; typhoid fever
appearance; kind; sample; shape
【医】 sample
【医】 cholera
伤寒样霍乱 (shāng hán yàng huò luàn)
英语解释翻译:Cholera-like Cholera
Cholera-like Cholera is a gastrointestinal infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. It presents with acute symptoms of gastrointestinal infection, including severe diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration. The clinical presentation of this disease closely resembles that of traditional cholera, hence the name "cholera-like cholera".
英文读音:[ˈkɒlərə-laɪk kɒlərə]
Cholera-like Cholera is pronounced as "kuh-luh-ruh-laik kuh-luh-ruh".
英文的用法:Definition in English
Cholera-like cholera refers to a type of infectious disease caused by Vibrio cholerae, characterized by symptoms similar to traditional cholera, such as profuse watery diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration.
英文例句:Example Sentences
1. Cases of cholera-like cholera have been reported in the region following the contaminated water supply. (霍乱样霍乱的病例在该地区因受到水源污染而出现。)
2. The outbreak of cholera-like cholera has raised concerns about public health in the affected area. (霍乱样霍乱的爆发引发了对受影响地区公共卫生的关注。)
1. Choleraic Cholera - This term refers to the same disease caused by Vibrio cholerae, presenting with similar symptoms. (霍乱样霍乱)
2. Choleraic Enteritis - A term used to describe the inflammation of the intestine caused by Vibrio cholerae. (霍乱性肠炎)
1. Non-Choleraic Diarrhea - This term refers to diarrhea that is not caused by Vibrio cholerae. (非霍乱性腹泻)
2. Non-Choleraic Gastroenteritis - A term used to describe gastrointestinal inflammation that is not related to cholera. (非霍乱性肠胃炎)
英文单词常用度:Word Frequency
The term "cholera-like cholera" is not commonly used in everyday English. It is primarily used within medical and scientific contexts to describe a specific type of cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae.