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【电】 top-down analysis



ascending; go to; go up; previous; submit; superior; upper
【医】 ept-; hyper-; super-; supra-; sur-


and that; moreover


below; descend; down; give birth to; give in; go to; leave off; lower; next
【医】 cata-; hyp-; infra-; kat-; sub-


analyze; construe; analysis; assay
【计】 parser
【化】 analysis; assaying
【医】 analysis; anslyze
【经】 analyse



上而下分析(shàng ér xià fēn xī)是一种用于解决问题的策略。该策略的理念是从总体或整体的角度出发,逐渐向特定的细节或组成部分深入分析,以便获得更全面的认识和解决方案。

English Translation

The English translation of "上而下分析" is "top-down analysis". It refers to a problem-solving strategy that starts from a general perspective and gradually delves into specific details or components in order to gain a comprehensive understanding and find solutions.

English Pronunciation

The pronunciation of "top-down analysis" in English is [tɒp daʊn əˈnæləsɪs].

English Usage

In English, "top-down analysis" is commonly used in various fields such as management, economics, and software development. It involves starting with a big picture view and then breaking it down into smaller parts for a more thorough analysis.

English Example Sentences

- The top-down analysis of the company's financial performance revealed significant areas for improvement. (这家公司的财务绩效的上而下分析揭示了需要改进的重要领域。)

- The project manager used top-down analysis to identify the underlying causes of the issues. (项目经理采用上而下分析来确定问题的根本原因。)

English Synonyms

- Macro analysis: An alternative term for top-down analysis, emphasizing the focus on the larger scale or higher-level factors. (宏观分析,另一种指称上而下分析的术语,强调对较大规模或较高层次因素的关注。)

English Antonyms

- Bottom-up analysis: In contrast to top-down analysis, bottom-up analysis starts from specific details or components and gradually builds up to a more comprehensive understanding. (自下而上分析,与上而下分析相对,自下而上分析从具体详情或组成部分开始,并逐步建立更全面的认识。)

Word Frequency in English

The term "top-down analysis" has a moderate frequency of usage in English language texts and is regularly encountered in academic, business, and technical contexts.

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