【医】 deciduous remnant
【医】 baby teeth; deciduous teeth; dentes caduci; dentes decidui
dentes lacteus; first teeth; milk teeth; milk-tooth; pincers
primary teeth; temporary teeth
end; relict; remainder; remains; survivals; vestige
【医】 R.; remnant; residue; residuum
乳牙残余(Rǔyá cán yú)
英语解释翻译(English Translation)
The English translation for 乳牙残余 is "retained deciduous teeth" or "retained primary teeth".
英文读音(English Pronunciation)
The English pronunciation for 乳牙残余 is /rɪˈteɪnd dɪˈsɪdʒuəs tiθ/.
英文的用法(中文解释)(English Usage)
In English, "retained deciduous teeth" refers to the condition when primary teeth fail to shed at the expected time and persist in the mouth.
英文例句(包含中文解释)(English Sentences)
1. The dentist recommended extraction of the retained deciduous teeth. (牙医建议拔除乳牙残余。)
2. The presence of retained primary teeth can lead to orthodontic problems. (乳牙残余的存在可能导致正畸问题。)
英文近义词(包含中文解释)(English Synonyms)
1. Retained baby teeth - 乳牙残留
2. Persistent primary teeth - 持续的乳牙
英文反义词(包含中文解释)(English Antonyms)
1. Shedding of primary teeth - 乳牙脱落
2. Exfoliation of deciduous teeth - 乳牙蜕落
英文单词常用度(Frequency of English Word)
The term "retained deciduous teeth" is a specialized term more commonly used in dental and orthodontic contexts.