【医】 striae semicircularis; striae terminalis thalamitaeniae semicircularis
【医】 cerebral ganglia; colliculus nervi optici; interbrain; thalamencephalthalamencephalon; thalami; thalamic brain; thalamo-; thalamus
【医】 Foville's fasciculus; striae terminalis; taenia Tarin's网络扩展解释
丘脑终纹(Qiūnǎo zhōng wén)
英语解释翻译(Yīngyǔ jiěshì fānyì)
The English translation of “丘脑终纹” is “the pulvinar and the lamina terminalis”. The pulvinar refers to a part of the thalamus located in the posterior region of the brain, which plays a vital role in processing visual information. The lamina terminalis, on the other hand, is a thin sheet of tissue separating the anterior portion of the brain from the rest of it, including the two hemispheres.
英语读音(Yīngyǔ dúyīn)
The pronunciation of “the pulvinar and the lamina terminalis” is as follows: pul-vi-nar (pʌl'vɪnə(r)) and la-mi-na ter-mi-na-lis (læmɪnə tɜːmɪ'neɪlɪs).
英文的用法(Yīngwén de yòngfǎ)
The phrase “the pulvinar and the lamina terminalis” is commonly used in the medical field to describe the anatomical structures and locations of the gray matter in the central brain. It may also be used in scientific research or publications discussing neural circuitry, brain function, or visual processing.
英文例句(Yīngwén lìjù)
Examples of usage of “the pulvinar and the lamina terminalis” in English:
- The connections between the pulvinar and the visual cortex were studied using fMRI techniques.
- Damage to the lamina terminalis can lead to brain edema and increased intracranial pressure.
英文近义词(Yīngwén jìnyìcí)
Synonyms for “the pulvinar and the lamina terminalis” are:
- Thalamic pulvinar and lamina terminalis
- The posterior thalamus and anterior brain septum
英文反义词(Yīngwén fǎnyìcí)
Antonyms for “the pulvinar and the lamina terminalis” include:
- The neocortex and hippocampus
- The cerebellum and brainstem
英文单词常用度(Yīngwén dāncí chángyòng dù)
The words “pulvinar” and “lamina terminalis” are less common words in English, used mostly in scientific and medical contexts.