【医】 bulbo-ventricular fold
ball; globe; orb; sphere; the earth
【医】 ball; balloon; bulb; bulbi; bulbo-; bulbus; globi; globus; glomera
glomus; orb; sphaer-; sphaero-; sphere; sphero-
【医】 false vocal cord; plicae ventricularis; ventricuIar felds
vestibular felds
qiú shì bì
The word “pucker” means to draw together or contract into folds or wrinkles. “Billiards” is a game played on a rectangular table by hitting small balls into pockets using a cue stick. Therefore, “pool hall pucker” refers to the wrinkles or puckers that form on the face of a player concentrating on a difficult shot in a pool hall.
[poo l hawl puhk-er]
在英语中,“pool hall pucker”是一个习惯用语,用来形容一个人因集中注意力而在球房里脸上产生的皱纹或褶皱。
When I'm concentrating really hard on a shot in the pool hall, I always end up with a pool hall pucker.(当我在球房里集中注意力击球时,我总是会脸上有褶皱。)
concentration wrinkles(集中注意力而产生的皱纹)
smooth face(光滑的面孔)
“pool hall pucker”是一个相对较少使用的习惯用语。在英文书籍和文章中可以偶尔见到它的出现。