insolate【医】 solarization
bask; shine upon; solarization; solarize; sun网络扩展解释
曝晒 - bào shài
英语解释翻译 - English Translation
The English translation for 曝晒 is "to air and sun". It refers to the act of laying something out under the sun in order to dry it.
英文读音 - English Pronunciation
The English pronunciation for 曝晒 is "bow shy".
英文的用法 - English Usage
The word "to air and sun" is used in English to describe the process of drying something out in the sun. It can be used to describe the process of drying out clothes or other items, such as food or plants.
英文例句 - English Example Sentences
- I need to air out my clothes after washing them. (我需要晒干洗过的衣服。)
- The fruit needs to be sunned for a few days to dry. (水果需要晒几天才能晾干。)
英文近义词 - English Synonyms
- sun-dry(晒干)
- dry out(干燥)
- air-dry(自然风干)
英文反义词 - English Antonyms
- soak(浸泡)
- wet(湿润)
- bath(沐浴)
英文单词常用度 - Word Frequency in English
The term "to air and sun" is not a commonly used phrase in English, but rather is a translation of the Chinese term "曝晒".