【化】 groove
1.bevel 2.groove分词翻译:
cut; gob; jaws; mouth; opening; ostium; scoop; stoma【医】 aditus; apertura; aperturae; aperture; bouche; introitus; meatus; mouth
opening; ora; orifice; orificium; oro-; os1; ostia; ostium; portal
stoma; stomata; stomato-; trema
《坡口》的中文拼音为pō kǒu,英语解释翻译为pass or pass through a narrow gap or a mountain pass.
《坡口》的英文读音为pŏ pass、kōu or kou.
1. In order to reach the other side of the mountain, we had to pass through a narrow gap, also called a pass or a mountain pass in English.(为了到达山的另一侧,我们必须通过一个狭窄的通道,也称为山口或山峰。)
2. The car slowly made its way up the twisty road and finally reached the mountain pass, where we could see a spectacular view of the valley.(车缓缓穿过弯曲的小路,终于到达山口,这里可以看到山谷的壮丽景色。)
与《坡口》英文翻译意义相近的单词还包括:mountain pass、defile、canyon、gorge、ravine 和ridge。