thunder; thunderbolt; thunderclap相关词条:
1.thunderburst 2.pili 3.thunderpeal例句:
- 那个消息对我来说简直是晴天霹雳。The news came upon me like a thunderbolt.
- 这意外的失败犹如晴天霹雳。The unexpected defeat came as a thunderbolt.
- 他去世的消息真是晴天霹雳。The news of his death was a real thunderbolt.
霹雳 pī lì
读音 dú yīn
“霹雳”单词的英文发音为 /ˈθʌndərbəʊlt/ (thunderbolt)。
用法 yòng fǎ
- 外面的天空黑得吓人,仿佛随时会有霹雳。- The sky outside is so dark that it's as if there could be a thunderbolt at any moment.
- 我忽然感觉到一阵霹雳,整个大厦都在震动。- Suddenly, I felt a thunderbolt and the whole building shook.
例句 lì jù
- 霹雳交加的夜晚,我总是睡不好觉。- I can never sleep well on stormy nights when thunderbolts are crashing all around.
- 当那个警察沉重的脚步声越来越近的时候,我的心情像是被一枚霹雳炸开了一样。- My heart felt like it had been hit by a thunderbolt when I heard the heavy footsteps of the approaching police officer.
近义词 jìn yì cí
与“霹雳”相近的英文词汇包括 “bolt of lightning” (闪电) 和 “thunderclap” (雷声)。
反义词 fǎn yì cí
单词常用度 cháng yòng dù