consolidate step by step
“步步为营”是一个中文词语,拼音为“bù bù wéi yíng”,英语解释翻译为“advance step by step with secret schemes”。
“advance step by step with secret schemes”在英文中的读音为“ad-vans step bahy step with see-krit skeems”。
例句一:“They advance step by step with secret schemes, and no one knows what they will do next.” 解释:他们悄悄展开计划,稳步前进,没有人知道他们接下来会做什么。
例句二:“This company is advancing step by step with secret schemes and will soon become a major player in the industry.” 解释:这家公司在不断悄悄布局,稳步前进,在不久的将来,将成为该行业的重要参与者。
1. "take things step by step" 含义:一步一步来,按部就班。
2. "advance cautiously" 含义:小心前行,谨慎前进。
3. "proceed with caution" 含义:谨慎行事。
1. "act recklessly" 含义:鲁莽行事。
2. "charge ahead blindly" 含义:盲目前行。
“advance step by step with secret schemes”并不是常见的英语词语,但经常被使用于商业、政治等领域。