wave to and fro
1.float 2.flutter 3.GonewiththeWind-1939例句:
- 有个气球从空中飘过。A balloon floated across the sky.
- 五星红旗迎风飘扬。The five-star red flag is fluttering in the wind.
- 旗帜在微风中飘扬。Banners fluttered in the breeze.
- 跳伞者轻飘飘地降落到地上。The parachutist floated gently down to earth.
- 旗子在风中飘扬。Flags are fluttering in the breeze.
《飘》的中文拼音是“piāo”,它的英语翻译是“Gone with the Wind”。它的英文读音为[gɒn wɪð ðə wɪnd]。
Here today, gone with the wind tomorrow.(今朝还在,明日飘逝。)
She was so beautiful, she just swept me off my feet and then she was gone with the wind.(她如此美丽,深深地吸引了我,却很快就飘向了远方。)
- fly away(飞走)
- vanish(消失)
- disappear(不见)
- come back(回来)
- stay(待着)
作为一个文学经典和电影名著,Gone with the Wind在英文世界广为人知,它是一个常见的使用频率很高的单词用法。