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【计】 heuristic search



explore; scout; spy; stretch forward; try to find out; visit


examination; test; try


search; beat; cast about; ferret; grabble; hunt; rake; scout; seek
【计】 look in; search; search in
【经】 rake; search


探试搜索 (tàn shì sōu suǒ)


英文解释翻译 (English translation)

The English translation for "探试搜索" is "exploratory search". It refers to a search technique used to find specific information in the digital realm. It involves exploring and probing to provide accurate search results.

英文读音 (Pronunciation in English)

"探试搜索" is pronounced as "tàn shì sōu suǒ" in Chinese. In English, the pronunciation of "exploratory search" is [ɪkˈsplɔːrətəri sɜːrtʃ].

英文用法 (Usage in English)

In English, "exploratory search" refers to the process of searching for information in a way that is more open-ended and uncertain, with the goal of discovering new knowledge or understanding a topic better.

英文例句 (Example sentences in English)

1. "I used exploratory search to find relevant articles for my research paper."


2. "She conducted exploratory searches on various online forums to gather information about her topic."


英文近义词 (Synonyms in English)

Synonyms for "exploratory search" include "investigative search" and "probing search".

(探试搜索的英文近义词包括 "investigative search" 和 "probing search")

英文反义词 (Antonyms in English)

Antonyms for "exploratory search" include "direct search" or "targeted search".

(探试搜索的英文反义词包括 "direct search" 或 "targeted search")

英文单词常用度 (Word frequency in English)

The term "exploratory search" is commonly used in academic and research contexts, but may be less frequently used in everyday conversations.

("exploratory search" 在学术和研究领域中常用,但在日常交流中使用较少。)

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