【化】 oxytocin
contract; crinkle; draw back; shrink; withdraw宫的英语翻译:
palace; temple; womb素的英语翻译:
element; native; plain; usually; white【建】 chart
缩宫素 - Sù gōng sù
缩宫素(Sù gōng sù)是一种药物,常用于妇科诊治中。它通常以注射剂的形式使用,可以用于治疗宫缩不足、流产、宫外孕、子宫疾病等情况。
英语解释翻译 - English Translation
The English translation for 缩宫素 is "Oxytocin".
英文读音 - Pronunciation
The pronunciation of "Oxytocin" is [ok-si-toh-sin].
英文用法 - English Usage
In English, "Oxytocin" is used to stimulate uterine contractions, induce labor, control postpartum bleeding, and promote lactation.
英文例句 - Example Sentences
1. Doctors often administer Oxytocin to induce labor in pregnant women. (医生通常给孕妇注射缩宫素来催产。)
2. Oxytocin can help prevent excessive bleeding after childbirth. (缩宫素可以帮助防止产后过多出血。)
英文近义词 - Synonyms
Some synonyms for "Oxytocin" include "Pitocin" and "Syntocinon". (缩宫素的一些近义词包括 "Pitocin" 和 "Syntocinon"。)
英文反义词 - Antonyms
There are no specific antonyms for "Oxytocin" in English. (在英语中,没有特定的"Oxytocin"的反义词。)
英文单词常用度 - Word Frequency
"Oxytocin" is a moderately common word in the English language. It is frequently used in medical and scientific contexts. (在英语中,"Oxytocin"是一个适度常见的词汇。在医学和科学领域经常使用。)