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【经】 quick method



fast; invite; rapid; speed; velocity
【医】 tacho-; tachy-


act; move; stir; use
【医】 kino-


【计】 cut-and-try method


速动测试法 (sù dòng cè shì fǎ)


Speeded Testing Method

The Speeded Testing Method is a test approach used for rapid assessment of individual cognitive abilities. It is mainly applied in academic and professional settings. It evaluates cognitive levels of individuals by measuring their performance in areas such as attention, working memory, and cognitive flexibility within a short period of time.

英文读音 (Yīng wén dú yīn)

sǔ dòng cè shì fǎ

英文的用法 (Yīng wén de yòng fǎ)

In English, the term "Speeded Testing Method" refers to a testing approach that focuses on assessing cognitive abilities in a quick and efficient manner. It is typically used in academic and professional contexts to evaluate an individual's cognitive performance in various cognitive domains.

英文例句 (Yīng wén lì jù)

Example sentence 1: The Speeded Testing Method was used to assess the cognitive abilities of the job applicants in a short span of time. (速动测试法被用来在短时间内评估求职者的认知能力。)

Example sentence 2: The researchers employed the Speeded Testing Method to measure the attention span of the study participants. (研究人员采用速动测试法来衡量研究参与者的注意力持久力。)

英文近义词 (Yīng wén jìn yì cí)

Synonyms: Rapid testing method, Quick cognitive assessment method (同义词:快速测试法,快速认知评估方法)

英文反义词 (Yīng wén fǎn yì cí)

Antonyms: Slow testing method, Comprehensive cognitive assessment method (反义词:缓慢测试法,综合认知评估方法)

英文单词常用度 (Yīng wén dān cí cháng yòng dù)

The term "Speeded Testing Method" is a specialized term and is commonly used in academic and professional literature related to cognitive assessment. It may not be widely used in everyday conversations or general texts. However, its usage frequency is high within relevant fields of research and practice. (速动测试法是一个专业术语,在认知评估相关的学术和职业文献中经常使用。它在日常对话或一般文本中的使用并不常见,但在相关研究和实践领域的文献中是高频词汇。)

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