leer; leer at
- 我看到你对那个姑娘暗送秋波。I saw you casting sheep's eyes at that girl.
- 最近她多次向我抛送秋波,我觉得有必要疏远她。She has made so many passes at me recently that I think it necessary to freeze her off.
- 别否认你们之间不是毫无瓜葛,在昨晚的聚会上我看到你向我丈夫暗送秋波!Don't deny there's nothing between you; I saw you making eyes at my husband at the party last night!
accompany; deliver; give; send-off【医】 Mit.
leer; ogle网络扩展解释
送秋波(sòng qiū bō)是一种中国的委婉的表达方式,也是一种行为。它通常指在两个人之间互相传递眼神信号,表达对对方的情感或好意。
Chinese Pinyin
sòng qiū bō
English Translation
Fluttering glance
English Pronunciation
[flʌtərɪŋ glæns]
English Usage
"Fluttering glance" refers to the subtle exchange of eye contact between two individuals to express affection or positive feelings towards each other.
English Example Sentences
1. He couldn't help but send her a fluttering glance when she entered the room. (他看见她进入房间,情不自禁地送给她一个秋波。)
2. She responded to his fluttering glance with a shy smile. (她以害羞的微笑回应了他的秋波。)
English Synonyms
- Flirting gaze: An affectionate or playful look exchanged between two people who are attracted to each other.(调情的凝视:两人间交换的充满吸引力或开玩笑的眼神交流。)
- Coquettish glance: A flirtatious or alluring look.(媚眼:一种挑逗或诱人的眼神。)
English Antonyms
- Cold stare: A distant and unfriendly gaze.(冷冷地瞪视:一种遥远、不友好的凝视。)
- Averted gaze: Avoiding eye contact intentionally.(避开目光:有意地避免眼神交流。)
English Word Frequency
The term "fluttering glance" is not a commonly used phrase in the English language, but can be understood by native English speakers due to its descriptive nature. Its usage may vary depending on the context and personal preference of the speaker.