【医】 bradyphrenia; hypopsychosis
idea; ideal; ideology; mentality; mind; thinking; thought【医】 idea; idee
slowness; bluntness; inaction; inertia; lagging; stagnancy【医】 bary-; brody-; dullness; hebetude; hebetudo; stupidity; torpescence
torpidity; torpor
思想迟钝 - Sīxiǎng chídùn
思想迟钝 means "slow thinking" in Chinese.
English Translation
The English translation for 思想迟钝 is "slow thinking" or "slow-wittedness".
English Pronunciation
The English pronunciation of 思想迟钝 is "sē-zēyng chē-dūn".
English Usage
In English, "slow thinking" refers to the inability to think quickly or to catch onto ideas easily.
English Example Sentence
An example sentence in English could be: "John's slow thinking often makes it difficult for him to understand complex concepts." (约翰思想迟钝常常让他难以理解复杂的概念。)
English Synonyms
Some synonyms for "slow thinking" in English include "dim-wittedness", "mental slowness", or "cognitive sluggishness".
English Antonyms
Antonyms for "slow thinking" in English would be "quick thinking", "sharp-wittedness", or "cognitive agility".
English Word Frequency
"Slow thinking" is a commonly used term in English to describe this concept.
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