wait for one's chance分词翻译:
wait; watch机的英语翻译:
chance; crucial point; engine; machine; occasion; organic; pivot; planeflexible
【医】 machine
《伺机》的中文拼音是cì jī。
《伺机》的英语解释翻译是 "bide one's time" 或 "wait for an opportunity"。
《伺机》的英文读音是 /baɪd wʌnz taɪm/。
英文中的短语 "bide one's time" 或 "wait for an opportunity" 意指耐心等待、寻找适当的时机或机会。
1. He is biding his time, waiting for the right moment to strike. (他正在伺机,等待合适的时机行动。)
2. She is patiently biding her time until she can pursue her dreams. (她正在耐心等待,直到可以追求自己的梦想。)
1. seize the opportunity (抓住机会)
2. wait for the right moment (等待合适的时机)
1. act impulsively (冲动行动)
2. miss the boat (错过机会)
短语 "bide one's time" 或 "wait for an opportunity" 在英语中常用,在口语和书面语中都有被使用的频率。