【电】 forward drop
arrange; in sequence; in the same direction as; obey; put in order; suitable
always; at; be partial to; direction; face; out; to; toward
【医】 ad-; ak-; ob-
【计】 voltage drop
【化】 voltage drop
顺向电压降(Shùnxiàng Diànyā Jiàng)
英语解释翻译(English Translation)
The English translation for "顺向电压降" is "forward voltage drop".
英文读音(English Pronunciation)
The English pronunciation for "forward voltage drop" is "for-werd vohlt-ij drop".
英文的用法(中文解释)(Usage in English)
In English, "forward voltage drop" refers to the phenomenon of voltage decreasing across a device when the current flows in the forward direction.
英文例句(包含中文解释)(English Examples)
1. The forward voltage drop across this diode is approximately 0.7 volts.(这个二极管的顺向电压降大约为0.7伏特。)
2. The LED requires a minimum forward voltage drop of 2 volts to operate.(LED需要最低2伏特的顺向电压降才能工作。)
英文近义词(包含中文解释)(English Synonyms)
Alternate terms for "forward voltage drop" in English include "forward bias voltage" and "forward voltage loss".("forward voltage drop" 在英文中的可替代术语包括 "forward bias voltage" 和 "forward voltage loss"。)
英文反义词(包含中文解释)(English Antonyms)
The opposite of "forward voltage drop" in English is "reverse voltage".("forward voltage drop" 在英文中的反义词是 "reverse voltage"。)
英文单词常用度(Frequency of English Word)
"Forward voltage drop" is a technical term used primarily in the field of electronics and electrical engineering. Its frequency of use is moderate within this specific domain.("forward voltage drop" 是一个主要用于电子和电气工程领域的技术术语,其使用频率在该特定领域内属于中等水平。)