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【化】 dialdehyde starch



both; double; even; twin; two; twofold
【化】 dyad
【医】 amb-; ambi-; ambo-; bi-; bis-; di-; diplo-; par


【化】 aldehyde
【医】 aldehyde


farina; starch
【化】 amylum; starch
【医】 amyl-; amylo-; amylon; amylum; fecula; starch


双醛淀粉《Shuāng qiǎn diàn fěn》


英文解释翻译:Double Aldehyde Starch

The English translation for 双醛淀粉 is Double Aldehyde Starch. It refers to a type of starch that contains double aldehyde groups (CHO) and is also known as oxygenated starch. Double aldehyde starch is obtained through the oxidation of starch and it has the function of improving the viscosity, increasing the consistency, and stability of the starch.

英文读音:[ˈdʌbəl ˈældɪhaɪd stɑːrtʃ]

The English pronunciation for Double Aldehyde Starch is [ˈdʌbəl ˈældɪhaɪd stɑːrtʃ].

英文的用法(中文解释):Double Aldehyde Starch主要用于食品工业和制药工业,作为增稠剂、稳定剂和乳化剂的添加剂。它可以被添加到各种食品和药物中,例如面条、糕点、肉制品以及胶囊和片剂等,以达到改善质地和延长保存期的效果。

The usage of Double Aldehyde Starch in English (explained in Chinese) is mainly in the food industry and pharmaceutical industry, where it is used as a thickening agent, stabilizer, and emulsifier additive. It can be added to various foods and medications such as noodles, pastries, meat products, capsules, and tablets, to improve texture and extend shelf life.


1. The addition of Double Aldehyde Starch improves the viscosity of the sauce. (添加双醛淀粉可以提高酱汁的粘稠度。)

2. Double Aldehyde Starch is commonly used in the production of pharmaceutical tablets. (双醛淀粉在药物片剂的生产中常被使用。)


1. Oxidized Starch (氧化淀粉): An alternative term for Double Aldehyde Starch, referring to starch that has undergone oxidation process.

2. Modified Starch (改性淀粉): Another term used to describe starch that has been chemically or physically modified to enhance its properties and functionality.


1. Native Starch (天然淀粉): It refers to starch in its original, unmodified form, without any chemical or physical alterations.

2. Unmodified Starch (未改性淀粉): Starch that has not undergone any chemical or physical modifications.


The frequency of use for the term "Double Aldehyde Starch" in English is relatively low, as it is a specialized term used mainly in specific industries such as food and pharmaceuticals.

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