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cut into parts; dismiss; judge; reduce




  1. 法院匆促做出的不公正决使这次审判形同儿戏。
    The unfair and hasty decision of the court made a mockery of the trial.
  2. 公司被迫员,恐怕我是其中之一(冗员)。
    The company is being forced to reduce staff and I fear I'm a likely candidate (for redundancy).
  3. 为节省开支现正逐渐员。
    The number of employees is being whittled down in order to reduce costs.
  4. 详情不明,难以做出夺。
    Particulars are too meager to form a decision.
  5. 我这件大衣请你照这个式样剪。
    Please cut out my overcoat according to this pattern.
  6. 【谚】量布衣;量入为出。
    Cut your coat according to your cloth.
  7. 他对那个罪犯做出了决。
    He passed judgement on the guilty man.


“裁” 的中文拼音、英语解释翻译、英文读音、英文的用法(中文解释)


  1. 剪裁、裁剪: to cut (cloth, hair, etc.) to a particular shape or size.
  2. 减少、削减: to reduce the size or amount of something.




“裁” 的英文例句(包含中文解释)

  1. The tailor will finally start to cut and sew the cloth according to the agreed-upon design.(裁缝最终将根据协商的设计开始裁剪和缝制布料。)
  2. Cancer caused the doctor to remove a portion of the patient's intestine.(癌症导致医生切除了病人部分肠道。)
  3. The company decided to downsize and lay off workers due to financial difficulties.(由于财务困难,公司决定缩减规模并解雇员工。)

“裁” 的英文近义词(包含中文解释)

  • trim - to remove the excess or unwanted parts of something.(修剪 - 去除多余或不需要的部分。)
  • reduce - to make something smaller or less in amount, degree, or size.(减少 - 使某物更小或更少。)
  • curtail - to reduce or limit something.(削减 - 减少或限制某物。)

“裁” 的英文反义词(包含中文解释)

  • enlarge - to make something bigger or increase in size.(扩大 - 使某物更大或增加。)
  • expand - to increase in size or number.(扩张 - 增加大小或数量。)
  • augment - to make something greater by adding to it; to increase.(增加 - 通过添加某物来使其更多;增大。)

“裁” 的英文单词常用度




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