当前位置:乐沙网 > 汉英词典 > 手足搐搦的英语翻译,近义词、反义词、例句




【医】 apyretic tetanus; intermittent tetanus; remittent tetanus
rheumatic contraction; tetania; tetany



a bunch of fives; a person doing a certain job; fist; hand; handy; hold; manus
mauley; pud
【医】 cheir-; cheiro-; chir-; chiro-; hand; main; manus


ample; as much as; foot; full; leg; sufficient
【医】 foot; Paedo-; pedes; pedo-; pes; pod-; podia; podium; podo-



《手足搐搦》(shǒu zú chù guǒ)是一种中文成语,常见于中国的文学作品、诗词等。下面是关于这个成语的英语解释翻译、英文读音、英文的用法、英文例句、英文近义词和反义词、英文单词常用度的相关信息。

英语解释翻译(English Translation)

The Chinese idiom "手足搐搦" can be translated into English as "to struggle desperately" or "to wrestle fiercely". It describes a situation where two parties are engaged in a vigorous physical or metaphorical struggle, often with equal strength and determination.

英文读音(English Pronunciation)

The pronunciation of "手足搐搦" in English can be transliterated as "shǒu zú chù guǒ", with the tone marks indicating the rising and falling tones in Mandarin Chinese.

英文的用法(English Usage)

In English, the phrase "to struggle desperately" or "to wrestle fiercely" can be used to represent the meaning of "手足搐搦". It can apply to physical conflicts, intellectual debates, competitive situations, or even internal emotional or mental struggles.

英文例句(English Example Sentences)

1. The two rival sports teams struggled desperately for the championship title. (两支对手队伍为争夺冠军奋力搏斗。)
2. The politician and the journalist wrestled fiercely over differing opinions in the televised debate. (政治家与记者在电视辩论中激烈争辩不同观点。)

英文近义词(English Synonyms)

1. Fight fiercely (激烈争斗)
2. Battle intensely (激烈战斗)

英文反义词(English Antonyms)

1. Yield easily (轻易屈服)
2. Surrender without resistance (无条件投降)

英文单词常用度(English Word Frequency)

The phrase "手足搐搦" itself is not commonly used in English, as it originates from Chinese literature. However, its translated equivalent "to struggle desperately" or "to wrestle fiercely" can be frequently encountered in various contexts.


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