当前位置:乐沙网 > 汉英词典 > 手重的英语翻译,近义词、反义词、例句




use too much force



a bunch of fives; a person doing a certain job; fist; hand; handy; hold; manus
mauley; pud
【医】 cheir-; cheiro-; chir-; chiro-; hand; main; manus


again; layer; repeat; scale; weight
【计】 repetitive group
【医】 hyper-; weight; wt.



shǒu zhòng


The literal translation of "手重" in English is "heavy hand".


In English, "手重" is pronounced as "shǒu zhòng".


In English, the term "heavy hand" is often used to describe someone who is physically forceful or uses excessive force. It can also imply someone who lacks subtlety or finesse in their actions.


- Be careful when playing sports, you don't want to have a heavy hand and hurt others. (当参与运动时要小心,不要用过大的力量伤害他人。)

- The chef needs to have a light touch while preparing delicate dishes; a heavy hand could ruin the presentation. (厨师在制作精致的菜肴时需要手轻,过重的手法可能会破坏菜的外观。)


- Heavy-handed: lacking sensitivity or finesse in handling a situation. (过分粗暴的,缺乏灵活性的)

- Rough: using excessive force or lacking refinement. (粗暴的)


- Gentle: having a mild or moderate touch; not forceful. (温和的,不过分粗鲁的)

- Subtle: displaying or requiring delicacy or finesse. (微妙的,需要细腻的)


In English, the term "heavy hand" is not a commonly used expression. It is more commonly used as a descriptive phrase rather than a standalone word.

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