handcar【化】 hand trolley
1.handpowertrolley 2.handcar分词翻译:
a bunch of fives; a person doing a certain job; fist; hand; handy; hold; manusmauley; pud
【医】 cheir-; cheiro-; chir-; chiro-; hand; main; manus
rock; shake; sway; turn; wave; wigwag车的英语翻译:
gharry; machine; vehicle【经】 book for; half fare
手摇车 (Shǒuyáo chē)
英语解释翻译 (English Translation)
The English translation for "手摇车" is "hand-powered tricycle" or "manual bicycle".
英文读音 (English Pronunciation)
The English pronunciation for "手摇车" would be "shǒuyáo chē".
英文的用法 (English Usage)
In English, "hand-powered tricycle" or "manual bicycle" refers to a human-powered vehicle that usually consists of a frame, two wheels, and a handlebar operated by hand.
英文例句 (English Examples)
1. I saw a man riding a hand-powered tricycle in the park today. (我今天在公园里看到一个人骑着手摇车。)
2. The manual bicycle is a popular mode of transportation in some rural areas. (在一些农村地区,手摇车是一种受欢迎的交通工具。)
英文近义词 (English Synonyms)
- Hand-operated tricycle (手动三轮车) - Human-powered bicycle (人力自行车) - Hand-propelled cycle (手动推动的脚踏车)
英文反义词 (English Antonyms)
- Motorized bicycle (电动自行车) - Motorcycle (摩托车) - Automobile (汽车)
英文单词常用度 (English Word Frequency)
The frequency of usage for "hand-powered tricycle" or "manual bicycle" may vary depending on the context and region. It is a less commonly used term compared to terms like "bicycle" or "tricycle".