have little physical strength
a bunch of fives; a person doing a certain job; fist; hand; handy; hold; manusmauley; pud
【医】 cheir-; cheiro-; chir-; chiro-; hand; main; manus
naught; nonexistence; not; nothing; without; lack; zero【医】 a-; leipo-; lipo-; non-
attach; rope; string; tie up鸡的英语翻译:
chicken; chook之的英语翻译:
go; leave; of; somebody; something; this力的英语翻译:
all one's best; force; power; puissance; strength【化】 force
【医】 dynamo-; ergo-; force; potency; potentia; Power; stheno-; strength; vis
shǒu wú fù jī zhī lì
手无缚鸡之力 is a Chinese idiom that literally translates to "a chicken has no power to bind." It is an expression used to describe someone who is weak, powerless, or lacks strength.
English Translation: powerless; lack strength
English Pronunciation: [shou wu fu ji zhi li]
English Usage: This phrase can be used to describe someone's physical, mental, or emotional weakness. It often implies a lack of ability or influence.
English Example Sentence: He tried to lift the heavy box, but he had the hand of a chicken - no strength at all. (他试图举起那个沉重的箱子,但是他手无缚鸡之力,一点力气都没有。)
English Synonyms: feeble, weak, powerless, ineffective
English Antonyms: strong, powerful, mighty
English Word Frequency: The word "powerless" is commonly used in English and has a moderate frequency of usage.