【计】 finger control【化】 manual control; manual setting
1.manualregulation 2.handadjustment 3.manualsetting例句:
- 那位男高音歌手调门儿唱得很低,十分扫兴。The tenor disappointed us by singing flat.
a bunch of fives; a person doing a certain job; fist; hand; handy; hold; manusmauley; pud
【医】 cheir-; cheiro-; chir-; chiro-; hand; main; manus
melody; mix; move; suit well; transfer【计】 debugging mode
手调 - Shǒu Diào
手调是一个汉语词汇,发音为“shǒu diào”。下面是手调在英语中的解释翻译和用法。
英语解释翻译 - English Translation
The English translation of 手调 is "hand adjustment".
英文读音 - English Pronunciation
The English pronunciation of "hand adjustment" is /hænd əˈdʒʌstmənt/.
英文的用法 - English Usage
"Hand adjustment" is a term used to describe the act of making fine-tuning or precise adjustments using one's hands.
英文例句 - English Example Sentences
1. Please use hand adjustment to align the gears for optimal performance. (请使用手调来对齿轮进行最佳性能的调整。)
2. The mechanic used hand adjustment to fix the alignment of the parts. (技师使用手调来修正部件的对齐。)
英文近义词 - English Synonyms
1. Manual adjustment - 手动调整
2. Fine-tuning - 精细调节
3. Precise adjustment - 精确调整
英文反义词 - English Antonyms
1. Automatic adjustment - 自动调整
2. Fixed position - 固定位置
英文单词常用度 - English Word Frequency
"Hand adjustment" is a relatively common term in technical or mechanical contexts.