hand; script
1.script 2.handwriting 3.holograph 4.handwritingexemplars 5.hand(hold) 6.handofwrit分词翻译:
a bunch of fives; a person doing a certain job; fist; hand; handy; hold; manusmauley; pud
【医】 cheir-; cheiro-; chir-; chiro-; hand; main; manus
mark; remains; ruins; trace; vestige【化】 trace
Shǒu jì
Chinese Pinyin of "手迹"
[shǒu jì] refers to the handwriting or signature of a person.
English Translation of "手迹"
The English translation of "手迹" is "handwriting" or "signature".
English Pronunciation of "手迹"
[hændˌraɪtɪŋ] for "handwriting" and [ˈsɪɡnətʃər] for "signature"
Usage of "手迹" in English
In English, "handwriting" is commonly used to refer to the style of writing a person has, and "signature" is used to refer to a person's unique way of signing their name.
English Example Sentences of "手迹" (including Chinese translation)
1. "他的手迹非常美丽,就像一幅艺术品。" (His handwriting is very beautiful, just like a piece of art.)
2. "请在这张纸上签上您的手迹。" (Please sign your signature on this piece of paper.)
English Synonyms of "手迹" (including Chinese translation)
1. 手写 (shǒu xiě) - handwritten
2. 笔迹 (bǐ jì) - penmanship
English Antonyms of "手迹" (including Chinese translation)
1. 打印 (dǎ yìn) - print
2. 印刷 (yìn shuā) - typeset
Common Usage of "手迹" in English
"Handwriting" is a commonly used word in English, while "signature" is used more specifically when referring to a person's unique sign-off.