【医】 metachromophil; metachromophile
be addicted to; indulge in【法】 addicted
different; other; separate; strange; surprise【计】 exclusive-OR
【医】 allotrio-; heter-; hetero-; pecilo-; poecil-; poikilo-
catch; contaminate; dye; imbrue; soil; tincture; tinge; yarn-dye网络扩展解释
嗜异染的(shì yì rǎn de)
嗜异染的是一个词语,拼音为“shì yì rǎn de”。它由“嗜异染”和助词“的”组成。
shì yì rǎn de - English Translation
The English translation of “嗜异染的” is “eccentric”.
shì yì rǎn de - English Pronunciation
The English pronunciation of “嗜异染的” is [ihk-sen-trik].
English Usage of "eccentric"
Eccentric is used in English to describe someone or something that deviates from normal or conventional behavior or appearance.
English Example Sentences
1. His eccentric fashion sense always attracts attention. (他古怪的时尚品味总是吸引人的注意。)
2. The eccentric millionaire lived alone on a secluded island. (这位古怪的百万富翁独自住在一个偏僻的岛上。)
English Synonyms of "eccentric"
1. Quirky - 古怪的
2. Unconventional - 非传统的
3. Odd - 奇怪的
English Antonyms of "eccentric"
1. Conventional - 传统的
2. Normal - 正常的
3. Typical - 典型的
Frequency of Usage in English
The word "eccentric" is commonly used in English language and can be considered as a moderately frequent word.