【医】 thermophil; thermophile; thermophilic
1.thermophilus 2.thermophile 3.thermophilic分词翻译:
be addicted to; indulge in【法】 addicted
ardent; caloric; craze; eager; fever; heat; hot; warm【化】 heat
【医】 calor; cauma; febris; fever; fievre; heat; hyperthermia; hyperthermy
phlegmasia; phlegmonosis; pyreto-; pyro-; therm-; thermo-
嗜热的 (shì rè de)
英语解释翻译: Heat-loving
英文读音: [hiːt ˈlʌvɪŋ]
英文的用法: 形容词,指对温暖或炎热环境有极高喜好的特质。
英文例句: The tropical plant is heat-loving and thrives in humid climates. (这种热带植物嗜热,并且在潮湿的气候中茁壮成长。)
英文近义词: heat-reliant (热依赖的), heat-responsive (热应答的)
英文反义词: heat-averse (厌热的), heat-intolerant (不耐热的)
英文单词常用度: 中等
嗜热的 (shì rè de)
English Translation: Heat-loving
English Pronunciation: [hiːt ˈlʌvɪŋ]
Usage in English: An adjective that describes a strong preference for warm or hot environments.
Example Sentence in English: The tropical plant is heat-loving and thrives in humid climates.
English Synonyms: heat-reliant, heat-responsive
English Antonyms: heat-averse, heat-intolerant
Frequency of Word in English: Moderate
(Note: This is a translation of the content into Chinese as requested. Please let me know if you have any further questions!)