【法】 antecedent intent; intent before the fact
accident; affair; be engaged in; business; job; matter; responsibility; servething; trouble; work
former; forward; front; preceding; priority【医】 a.; ante-; antero-; fore-; pro-; proso-; ventri-; ventro-
deliberately; intentionally; on purpose; wilfully【法】 a dessein; cold blood; deliberate intent; formed design; intent
legal malice; premeditated intent; premeditated murder; scienter
事前故意 - Shì Qián Gù Yì
英语解释翻译 - Intentional Pre-meditation
Intentional pre-meditation refers to the conscious planning or pre-setting of intentions before engaging in a certain action. It can be used to describe purposeful arrangements or preparations for a specific activity, usually referring to planned behavior.
英文读音 - [ɪnˈtɛnʃənəl priːˌmɛdɪˈteɪʃən]
英文读音为 "in-ten-shuh-nl pree-med-i-tey-shuhn"。
英文的用法 - Usage in English
In English, intentional pre-meditation is often used in legal contexts to describe the pre-planned or pre-meditated nature of certain crimes. It implies that the person had full knowledge and intent of their actions prior to committing them.
英文例句 - Example Sentences in English
1. The prosecutor argued that the defendant's actions were the result of intentional pre-meditation.
2. The evidence presented proved the defendant's intentional pre-meditation in committing the crime.
英文近义词 - Synonyms in English
1. Pre-planning - the act of arranging or preparing something in advance.
(事前计划 - 在事先安排或准备某事的行为。)
2. Premeditation - the act of thinking or planning something before doing it.
(预谋 - 在做某事之前思考或计划的行为。)
英文反义词 - Antonyms in English
1. Spontaneity - the quality or state of being spontaneous, without prior thought or planning.
(自然性 - 没有事先思考或计划的自然状态或品质。)
2. Impulsiveness - the act of acting without forethought or premeditation.
(冲动性 - 未经深思熟虑或事前准备的行为。)
英文单词常用度 - Commonness in English