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【化】 paraffinic acid



olefin; paraffin
【化】 paraffin; paraffin wax
【医】 mineral wax; paraffin; paraffin wax; paraffinum; peerolin


a group of things with common features; clan; family; race; strain
【化】 alkaline earths; family; group; odd series; periodic family; sub-group
【医】 group; race; series; tribe


acerbity; ache; acid; grieved; pedantic; sour; tartness
【化】 acid
【医】 acidum


石蜡族酸 - Shí làzú suān


英语解释翻译 - Paraffin Acid

Paraffin Acid is an organic compound commonly used in the production of candles and waterproof coatings. It is derived from paraffin wax and is often used as a lubricant and corrosion inhibitor.

英文读音 - pærəfɪn ˈæsɪd

Paraffin Acid的英文读音为pærəfɪn ˈæsɪd。

英文的用法 - Usage of Paraffin Acid

In English, Paraffin Acid refers to a type of acid derived from paraffin wax. It is commonly used in various industries, such as candle making, waterproof coatings, and lubricants. Paraffin Acid acts as a corrosion inhibitor, protecting metals from rust and decay.

英文例句 - English Example Sentences

1. Paraffin Acid is a key ingredient in the production of high-quality candles. (石蜡族酸是生产高品质蜡烛的关键成分。)

2. The addition of Paraffin Acid improves the water resistance of the coating. (添加石蜡族酸可以提高涂层的防水性能。)

英文近义词 - Synonyms of Paraffin Acid

1. Paraffin Wax Acid (石蜡酸) - Another term used to refer to the same compound. It has similar properties and applications.

2. Wax Acid (蜡酸) - A more general term for acids derived from wax, including Paraffin Acid.

英文反义词 - Antonyms of Paraffin Acid

1. Paraffin Wax (石蜡) - While Paraffin Wax is a precursor to Paraffin Acid, it does not possess acidic properties and is not considered an antonym but rather a related term.

2. Alkali (碱) - In contrast to Paraffin Acid, alkalis are substances that have a pH value higher than 7 and exhibit basic properties.

英文单词常用度 - Frequency of Word Usage

Paraffin Acid is a specialized term commonly used in industries related to wax products and coatings. Its frequency of usage may vary depending on the specific field of application.


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