【法】 land tenant
ground; land; soil; territory
【医】 earth; terra; terrae
【经】 land; native goods
【法】 actual possession; seizin in deed
human; fellow; human being; individual; man; people; person; soul
【医】 anthropo-; homme; man
土地实际占有人 (Tǔdì shíjì zhànyǒu rén)
English Translation: Land Actual Occupant
The English translation for "土地实际占有人" is "Land Actual Occupant". It refers to the actual user of land use rights, i.e., the actual controller of the land.
English Pronunciation: lænd ˈæktʃʊəl ˈɒkjʊpənt
The English pronunciation for "Land Actual Occupant" is "lænd ˈæktʃʊəl ˈɒkjʊpənt".
English Usage: Land Actual Occupant
In English, "Land Actual Occupant" refers to the person who is the actual user and controller of land use rights.
English Example Sentence:
"The land actual occupant has the responsibility to maintain and manage the land according to the agreed terms."
English Synonyms: Land Actual User
The English synonym for "土地实际占有人" is "Land Actual User".
(土地实际占有人的英文近义词是"Land Actual User"。)
English Antonyms: Land Owner
The English antonym for "土地实际占有人" is "Land Owner".
(土地实际占有人的英文反义词是"Land Owner"。)
English Word Frequency: Low
The term "Land Actual Occupant" has a relatively low frequency of usage in English.
("Land Actual Occupant"在英文中的使用频率相对较低。)