harelip【医】 lagentomum; lagocheilus
hare; rabbit唇的英语翻译:
labium; lip【医】 cheil-; cheilo-; ehilo-; labia; labio-; labium; labrum; lip
兔唇的中文拼音:tù chún
兔唇是一种先天性口腔畸形,是指婴儿在发育过程中上唇形成有裂缝的畸形。兔唇在中文中的拼音为“tù chún”。
英语解释翻译:Cleft lip
Cleft lip is a congenital deformity characterized by a fissure in the upper lip that occurs during fetal development. It is translated as "兔唇 (tù chún)" in Chinese.
英文读音:klɛft lɪp
In English, "Cleft lip" is pronounced as "klɛft lɪp".
英文的用法:Cleft lip is a birth defect in which a baby's upper lip is split.
In English, "Cleft lip" is used to describe a birth defect where there is a split in the upper lip of a baby.
1. He was born with a cleft lip and undergoes surgery to correct it. (他出生时带有兔唇,接受手术进行矫正。)
2. She faced challenges throughout her life due to her cleft lip. (由于她的兔唇,她一生都面临着各种挑战。)
英文近义词:Cleft palate, Harelip
近义词 "Cleft palate" 和 "Harelip" 与 "Cleft lip" 都指的是口腔畸形,形容婴儿上唇出现裂缝的情况。
英文反义词:Normal lip
反义词 "Normal lip" 意思是正常的上唇,即没有裂缝的上唇。
作为一个描述先天性畸形的术语,"Cleft lip" 在医学和相关领域中非常常用。