【经】 output-input ratio
devotion; dive into; fling oneself into; jump in; launch into; plough into
plunge into
【计】 drop
【经】 invest
percentage; proportion; rate; ratio
【医】 proportion; ratio
【经】 rater.; ratio
投入比率(Tóurù Bǐlǜ)
英语解释翻译(Yīngyǔ Jiěshì Fānyì)
The translation of "投入比率" in English is "investment ratio". It refers to the proportion between the benefits and costs of an investment. It can be used to determine the feasibility and potential return of an investment.
英文读音(Yīngwén Dúyīn)
The English pronunciation of "investment ratio" is /ɪnˈvɛstmənt ˈreɪʃioʊ/.
英文的用法(中文解释)(Yīngwén De Yòngfǎ)
In English, the term "investment ratio" is used to describe the relationship between the benefits and costs of an investment. It is commonly used in financial and economic contexts to evaluate the effectiveness of investments.
英文例句(包含中文解释)(Yīngwén Lìjù)
1. The investment ratio of this project is quite high, indicating its potential for significant returns.(这个项目的投入比率相当高,表明其具有可观的回报潜力。)
2. It is important to carefully analyze the investment ratio before making any financial decisions.(在做出任何金融决策之前,仔细分析投入比率是很重要的。)
英文近义词(包含中文解释)(Yīngwén Jìnyìcí)
1. Return on investment (ROI) - 投资回报率
2. Profitability index - 盈利能力指数
3. Cost-benefit ratio - 成本效益比
英文反义词(包含中文解释)(Yīngwén Fǎnyìcí)
1. Loss ratio - 损失比率
2. Negligible return - 可忽略的回报
3. Inefficient investment - 低效投资
英文单词常用度(Yīngwén Dāncí Chángyòng Dù)
The term "investment ratio" is commonly used in finance and economics, and its usage frequency is moderate.