【经】 bidding group
bid; enter a bid; tender; tender for
【经】 bid; bidding; proposal; public bidding; submission of tenders
submit an offer for; tender
group; combine; battalion; bloc; circle; clique; ring
【医】 collective bodies
【经】 block; clique
投标集团(tóu biāo jí tuán)是指一群企业或组织为了争取在招标或竞标项目中中标而联合组成的团体。该团体通常由多个具有相关经验和资源的公司组成,以提高在招标过程中的竞争力。
The translation of "投标集团" in English is "bidding consortium" or "bidding group". It refers to a group of companies or organizations that come together to compete for winning a bid or tender in a bidding or tendering process. The consortium is typically formed by multiple companies with relevant expertise and resources to enhance their competitiveness during the bidding process.
The English pronunciation of "投标集团" can be transcribed as "toh-byow jee twan" with emphasis on the underlined syllables.
In English, the term "bidding consortium" or "bidding group" is used to describe the same concept of multiple companies collaborating to compete for winning a bid or tender in a bidding or tendering process. It is commonly used in business and procurement contexts.
1. The bidding consortium submitted a joint proposal for the construction project. (投标集团为该建设项目提交了联合方案。)
2. The bidding group consists of three major construction companies. (投标集团由三家主要建筑公司组成。)
3. Our company formed a bidding consortium with two other firms to increase our chances of winning the contract. (我们公司与其他两家企业组成投标集团,以增加赢得合同的机会。)
1. Bidding alliance: A group of companies or organizations forming an alliance to jointly bid for a project. (投标联盟:一群公司或组织组成联盟,共同竞标项目。)
2. Bidding partnership: An agreement between multiple companies to collaborate and bid for a project together. (投标合作伙伴关系:多家公司之间的协议,共同合作并竞标项目。)
The opposite concept of a bidding consortium is an "individual bidder" or "sole bidder" (个体投标者/单独投标者), which refers to a company or organization bidding alone without forming a group or alliance with others.
The term "bidding consortium" or "bidding group" is commonly used in the fields of business, procurement, and construction, where bidding and tendering processes are prevalent. It is relatively less common in everyday spoken English.