当前位置:乐沙网 > 汉英词典 > 同余数生成程序的英语翻译,近义词、反义词、例句




【计】 congruent generator; congruential generator



alike; be the same as; in common; same; together
【医】 con-; homo-


remainder; residual; residue
【计】 remainder
【经】 balance outstanding; residuum


【计】 generating program; generating routine; generation routine


同余数生成程序(tóng yú shù shēng chéng chéng xù)是一种用来生成同余数序列的计算机程序。它可以根据给定的参数和算法生成一系列同余数,这些同余数具有特定的数学属性。同余数生成程序广泛应用于密码学、随机数生成和模拟实验等领域。 The translation of "同余数生成程序" in English is "congruential number generator program". It is a computer program used to generate a sequence of congruential numbers. These congruential numbers have specific mathematical properties and can be generated based on given parameters and algorithms. The congruential number generator program is widely used in cryptography, random number generation, and simulation experiments. The pronunciation of "congruential number generator program" is: [kuhn-groo-en-shuhl] [nuhm-ber] [jen-uh-rey-ter] [proh-gram] The usage of "congruential number generator program" in English refers to a computer program that generates a sequence of congruential numbers based on specific algorithms and parameters. Example sentence in English with Chinese translation: "The congruential number generator program is commonly used in cryptography to generate pseudo-random numbers."(“同余数生成程序常用于密码学中生成伪随机数。”) Synonyms of "congruential number generator program" include "congruence number generator program", "modulus number generator program", and "residue number generator program". These synonyms also refer to computer programs that generate congruential numbers based on specific algorithms and parameters. Antonyms of "congruential number generator program" include "non-congruential number generator program" or "non-linear generator program". These antonyms refer to computer programs that do not use congruential algorithms to generate numbers. The term "congruential number generator program" is commonly used in the field of computer science and mathematics, and its usage frequency may vary depending on the context and specific domain.

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