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【经】 statistical uncertainty



【医】 statistics
【经】 numerical statement; statistics


【经】 uncertainty



统计的不确定性 (tǒng jì de bù què dìng xìng) 是指统计学中关于数据的可信度和精确性所存在的不确定程度。在统计学中,由于样本数据的有限性和随机性,很难获得完全准确的统计结果。

英语解释翻译: Uncertainty in Statistics

Uncertainty in Statistics refers to the level of doubt and imprecision associated with the reliability and accuracy of statistical data. Due to the limited and random nature of the data samples, it is challenging to obtain statistically precise results.

英文读音: [ʌnˈsɜːrtənti ɪn stəˈtɪstɪks]

英文的用法: Application of Uncertainty in Statistics

In the field of statistics, uncertainty plays a crucial role in determining the confidence intervals, margin of error, and reliability of the data analysis. By acknowledging and addressing the uncertainty, statisticians can make more informed conclusions and predictions.

英文例句: Examples of Uncertainty in Statistics

1. The survey results show a 95% confidence level with a margin of error of ±2%. (调查结果显示有95%的置信水平,误差范围为±2%。)
2. The uncertainty in the sample sizes affects the statistical significance of the study. (样本大小的不确定性会影响该研究的统计显著性。)

英文近义词: Synonyms of Uncertainty in Statistics

1. Variability: 变异性
2. Ambiguity: 含糊性
3. Instability: 不稳定性

英文反义词: Antonyms of Uncertainty in Statistics

1. Certainty: 确定性
2. Precision: 精确性
3. Accuracy: 准确性

英文单词常用度: Commonness of the Term in English

The term "uncertainty" is widely used in the field of statistics and is commonly understood by researchers, academics, and professionals working in data analysis and quantitative research.

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