通电期间强直 - Tōng Diàn Qījiān Qiángzhí
通电期间强直(Tōng Diàn Qījiān Qiángzhí)指的是人在遭遇电击时,肌肉会因为电流刺激而发生持续的紧张痉挛。
English Translation - Electric Shock Spasm
Electric Shock Spasm refers to the continuous muscular tension and spasms that occur in a person when they experience an electric shock.
English Pronunciation - /ɪˈlɛktrɪk ʃɒk spæz(ə)m/
/ɪˈlɛktrɪk ʃɒk spæz(ə)m/
English Usage - Explanation in Chinese
通电期间强直在英文中被称为Electric Shock Spasm,用来描述遭受电击时肌肉的持续紧张痉挛。
English Example Sentence - 包含中文解释
After the electric shock, he experienced strong spasms and had difficulty moving.(在电击之后,他经历了剧烈的痉挛,难以移动。)
English Synonyms - 包含中文解释
A synonym for Electric Shock Spasm is Electromyoclonus.(Electric Shock Spasm的一个同义词是Electromyoclonus。)
English Antonyms - 包含中文解释
There are no specific antonyms for Electric Shock Spasm.(Electric Shock Spasm没有一个具体的反义词。)
English Word Frequency - 常用度
Electric Shock Spasm is not a commonly used term in everyday English. Its usage is limited to specific contexts such as medical or scientific discussions.(Electric Shock Spasm不是日常英语中常用的词汇。它的使用局限于特定的领域,如医学或科学讨论。)