sugar refinery相关词条:
1.sugarhouse 2.sugarmill 3.sugarworks例句:
- 她在一家制糖厂工作。She works in a sugar refinery.
candy; sugar; sugared; sweets【化】 saccharide; saccharides; sugar; sugars
【医】 saccharide; saccharo-; saccharum; sucre; sugar
【经】 Csce; sugar
factory; mill; plant; works; yard【医】 station
糖厂 (Táng Chǎng)
糖厂是一个中文词汇,拼音为“Táng Chǎng”。它由两个字组成,分别是“糖”和“厂”。糖是指一种甜味的食物,可以通过植物的汁液提取而得。厂则表示一个工厂或制造场所。
英文解释翻译 (English Translation)
The English translation of “糖厂” is “sugar factory”. It refers to a facility where sugar is produced, usually by extracting it from plant juices.
英文读音 (English Pronunciation)
The pronunciation of “sugar factory” in English is [shoo-gar fak-tuh-ree].
英文的用法 (中文解释) (English Usage)
In English, the term "sugar factory" is used to describe a facility specifically designed for the production of sugar. It can also refer to a similar plant or factory that produces other sweet substances or related products.
英文例句 (包含中文解释) (English Example Sentences)
- The sugar factory is the largest employer in the town. (糖厂是这个城镇最大的雇主。)
- The workers at the sugar factory process tons of sugar cane every day. (糖厂的工人每天加工数吨甘蔗。)
英文近义词 (包含中文解释) (English Synonyms)
- Sugar refinery (糖精炼厂)
- Sugar mill (糖磨)
英文反义词 (包含中文解释) (English Antonyms)
- Sugar plantation (糖田)
英文单词常用度 (Word Frequency in English)
The term "sugar factory" is not a highly common phrase in everyday English usage, but is still recognized and understood by English speakers.